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March 2022

When Money Grows On Trees: Using Covered Calls To Generate Income

For most individuals that are starting their journey into the equities market, they either begin with purchasing shares of a company, index fund, ETF, or a mixture – then proceed to hold onto these share for the long term, and dollar cost average into their position while they (hopefully) appreciate in value. However, during the […]

The Relationship Between Crude Oil Prices, The Economy, and The Stock Market

Despite recent transitions into renewable, clean, and other green energy sources within the past two decades, crude oil, also called petroleum, has seen a very gradual decline in its global market share as a fuel option. If we dig a little deeper, we can take a look at the numbers behind this. New vehicle sales […]

The Savings Account Is Obsolete

There, I said what most people are thinking. The interest rate that you get for storing your hard earned cash into a savings account yields less than a tenth of a percent on average. Some of the biggest banks give a laughable 0.01%, such as Wells Fargo’s Way2Save, Bank of America Advantage Savings, and Chase […]

Why would you buy deep in the money call options?

Buying shares of a company is pretty straight forward. You look up the ticker or name of the company, place an order, and receive said shares. The only things you really need to be concerned about is what company, how many shares, and if it’s trading at a reasonable price. When it comes to stock […]